The competition for your attention is fierce. And if you don't know what it feels like when you're present, you won't fully grasp what it means to be lost in thought. Mindfulness begins with attention, but it's far from the whole story. Profound shifts occur as you put out the welcome mat for your entire human experience. Deepen your relationship to your self, your mind, and your body. Feel what it means to be you.
Wake up to life.
Mindfulness means many things to many people. It can mean a particular state of mind (“mindful”); a practice of some sort (e.g., body scan, lovingkindness); a particular type of awareness; and/or a multifaceted personal practice used as a way of coming to know the nature of one’s mind, emotions, body, and habit patterns.
When I talk about mindfulness, I'm referring to moment-to-moment, non-judgmental awareness of mental activity, emotions, sounds, and bodily sensations. This definition comes from Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR), which I'm certified to teach by Brown University's Mindfulness Center. I gave used MBSR as a foundation for my teaching, weaving it together with the current science of both emotions and behavior change.
We all have ways of thinking, naming, and behaving, both when we are "stressed" and when we're not. Mindfulness positions you to be acutely aware of your present-moment experience, which enables you to be intentional and authentic with how you meet everyone and everything that shows up in your life.
There are all kinds of claims being made about the benefits of mindfulness, and you should always look into the sources behind the claims. And always vet potential teachers, as the messenger is as important as the message.
What People Say . . .
Mary is:
A delightful pleasure.
Uncannily insightful.
Honest, refreshing, and a sensei of peace.
Helped calm me
in a swirling sea of busy.
Facilitated a new avenue
into my spirit.
James Brewer, MBA, CFP®, AIF®, CRPC®, PPC®, CDFA®, CFSLA
Financial Life Architect
As awareness grows regarding the importance of the interpersonal aspects of financial advice, Mary is THE guide for advisors in doing the real and challenging work of mindfulness to increase well-being and show up more authentically in life and as a thinking partner with clients.
Julie Fortin, CFP®, FBS®, CeFT®
Recipient of the Journal of Financial Planning’s 2021 Montgomery-Warschauer Award
for the most outstanding contribution to the field for co-authoring
Integrating Interpersonal Neurobiology into Financial Planning:
Practical Applications to Facilitate Well-Being
Mary is a mountain . . . strong . . . she makes the environment safe . . . and goes with the energy of the day.
Mariette Tappan CFP®, CeFT®
Pretoria, South Africa
Mary's MBSR opened my eyes to the possibility of personal growth through awareness. As a teacher, Mary is direct, supportive, and sincere. The class was a wonderful, much-needed form of self-care. ... I signed my daughter up for Mary's teen class on a whim when she was trying to adjust to adolescent life in NYC during a pandemic while skipping two grades, studying at home, and pursuing a rigorous schedule of pre-professional ballet training. She grudgingly attended the first class but now looks forward to her weekly class and incorporates the strategies learned into her life.
Lisa Dutchover, NYC
Her voice and cadence was very helpful, and the non-judgmental space she created for each of our meetings allowed me to focus and feel the importance of taking the time out of a busy day to do this work for me.
Jessie Foster, Boston, MA
DEEP listening has revolutionized my life! I am a better Mom, partner, and accountant for it.
Celia Powell, CPA
Virginia, USA
Mary is a brilliant guide, having listening skills and being able to keep the process going effortlessly.
Ian Walton, CFP®, CeFT®
Cresta Agency
Pietermaritzburg, South Africa
Many of us would never bother to pay much attention to meditation except that you custom-designed this course for us. Since we do tend to carry a lot of stress around, and knowing how debilitating it can be, not only for us personally but also for our relationships with our clients, I am very grateful to have had the opportunity to learn and practice with you. I learned things that I wouldn’t have ever known otherwise. I am sure you can use me as an example of someone who was a complete mess at the beginning but who now exhibits calmness and pause in how I am living and communicating.
Katherine Newton, CFP®, CeFT®
Waite Financial
North Carolina, USA
I have started to look at my work in a completely different manner.... The personal and emotional side of money is what matters more to me now.... I was a bit skeptical before joining, but I’m glad I did. Thank you once again for showing me the path.
Manish Jain, CFP®, CeFT®
Knowledge Partners
Haryana, India
Attending Dr. Mary Martin's mindfulness classes for advisors is like discovering a treasure chest of rare jewels: no two are the same, and they have offered me many opportunities for wonder and "aha" moments. The presentation style is a good blend of guided practice, teaching, as well as breakaway sessions to apply "being in the moment", listening, and communication skills. These sessions have transformed my own self-development journey and coaching relationships with clients. I highly recommend them.
Marguerite Engelbrecht
Financial Coach
South Africa
Thank you for a wonderful course. This has been so good for my soul and has helped me to let go of so many things. I feel like my mind is so much clearer now.
Louis van der Merwe, CFP®
South Africa